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on 9/30/15 7:01 am - IL
Topic: Hump Day Roll Call

Happy Hump Day,

I wasn't suppose to go in today, but I get a couple of hours to set up the office for tomorrows big startup.

Training yesterday was good. We learned the new things that were planned for this year. Really just a few changes and a few things that were taken away. Things should be easier and faster. Which is always better. We should compleate apps in less then 10 min, better then the 20/25 of before.

Hope everyone has a great fall day,





crystal M.
on 9/29/15 12:40 pm - Joliet, IL
Topic: RE: Tuesday in Gloomy Illinois!!!

Hello everyone

I can't believe how fast the weather going down.  I mean were just having 80's-90's and now by the end of the week the high is 60.  It takes weeks for the weather to warm up and one week for it to cool down....I say no fair!!!!  Before we know it we will be shoveling snow and scraping our car windows again...ugh...

Amanda's birthday is coming up and she asked for a crockpot.  I have been looking for a nice one cheap.  Well I haven't shopped around for a crock pot for sometime now and I thought mine was nice (it's programmable).  But now they have ones that stir for you...and you can program how often you want it stirred!!!  They have ones that will stay on during an electric outage.  This is stuff just blows my mind.  I feel cheated now.  I want a fancy crockpot!!!  I want one that stirs...LOL!!!  Anyway Amanda is getting a basic programmable one and she asked for a chocolate cake.  So I am baking her a cake.  I hope it get there in one piece. 

Talking about crockpots.  I have chicken noodle soup in mine at home.  I can't wait.  I haven't had any homemade chicken noodle soup since last Winter.  Yummy!!!

Carla- I agree it doesn't sound like the alternator.  When the alternator is out the car is completely dead.  I had the same issue once and it was my battery cables.  They were fried.  Needed new ones.  I was able to get a jump but it would go dead if I turned off my car. 

Well it's almost the end of the work day....thank goodness.  Have a good day all


on 9/29/15 6:27 am - Bradenton, FL
Topic: Tuesday in Gloomy Illinois!!!

Good morning,

I have been here since last Minday. My car has been in the shop since we got here! It only starts if you jump it! So I bought a new battery thinking that was the problem. The next morning it was dead again. Called Geico and they came and jumped it. Took car back to Firestone. Left it overnight. Did a diagnostic on it. They thought it was the radio not turning off after you shut the car down. Sow we took that fuse out. Next morning the car was dead again. Called Geico again. Now they are pissed at us. Took car back to Firestine. Firestone said we needed a new altinator. I'm questioning this cause car is running after jump. 

There is a short somewhere and their master mechanic can't find it! So I called my cousin and he said to take it to his mechanic in Skokie. It's there now. My lips to gods ears! I hope they can fix this car fast! And not cost me 1,000.00

I see a surgeon at Evanstin Hospital on Friday. I need ,y stoma redone. This dumping is making me crazy!

I had to watch every video on Gadyeic bypass, sleeve, switchTou name it I watched it! I'm not sure why I had to watch every one but oh well, now they want me to go to a support group before the appointment. I said and when are they? Icy 9 and my appt is Ict 2 how is that possible? I said I went to my Drs support group in Fl before I left. Does that count?

I think this fix is more medical than to loose weight. There is mesh involved.

I don't need to loose any wright. 

So we will see what this doc has to say!!

Anyway we had my Vinnie's second birthday on Saturday! She had a blade! So did this Grammy!!!

Talk on I'll check back later!


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crystal M.
on 9/28/15 1:23 pm - Joliet, IL
Topic: RE: Monday Roll Call

Hello everyone

Yes I had a good weekend. 

Yesterday I started my first class to be come a member of the church.  After class I joined Greg and helped out with the audio/video.  Then afterwards Greg had to do some repairs to the computer lab in the Church's school.  I just hung around and read.  Then we went to get burgers at the butcher shop and next door is a produce market.  We got some good fruit.  Greg BBQed us some burgers and corn on the cob.  That was our day.

Saturday I did make my cake it way yummy.  But the decorating was hard.  Squeezing that tube thing after awhile started to hurt my wrists.  My wrists are kind touchy.  I think because of all the years of typing and data entry at work...I'm not quite at carpal tunnel syndrome.  But my wrists easily get sore. 

There are so many things I want to do and not enough weekends to do them in.  The cold weather will be here soon enough.  But I did have fun putting up my Halloween decorations. I have been buying a little every week with my groceries.  So that way I'm not spending a lot of money all at once and Greg's eye balls won't pop out of his head....hahahaha.   

Tonight I am making meatloaf.  A special request from Greg...he likes my meatloaf.  In fact he wants me to make he can have some for the week for lunch....LOL. 

Well have a good day all.


on 9/28/15 12:17 pm - IL
Topic: Monday Roll Call

Hi, Did everyone have a great weekend? I just kinda layed low and let time past by. This morning I went to my office, to get my laptop, it wasn't there. Talked to my boss, she left it in Rock Falls. So, I can get it tomorrow.

Have a chicken cassarole ready for dinner tonight.

Have a great day,





Nancy G.
on 9/26/15 4:43 pm - La Salle, IL
Topic: RE: Saturday Roll Call

Happy Saturday Everyone!

I have been ambitious the last few days.  I have been de-cluttering the living room.  I finally picked out a desk for my home office area and ordered it.  It should be here Oct 1.  It is dark glass with lots of shelves so it should work out well.  One shelf will have a cat bed for whoever is visiting to hopefully keep them out of my work area!  I am at least making progress.  I spent the first few days vegging and then finally decided I really had to get started.  So I have been picking a project a day and it has been working well.  I hope I stay motivated..  

I also got my hair done this week and I got a new meter to test my blood for my blood thinner readings.  Went in to the doctor's office on Monday to get trained to use it.  It will be so much better than having to go to the hospital every 2 weeks and much cheaper.  The hospital charges almost $400.00 for this blood test.  I'm like really??? 

The cats are still keeping us amused.  It is always interesting to see what they are going to think up next.  Nibbles is still the party animal and likes to get things started each day.  He is too funny when he tries to get others playing.  He definitely wants playtime!  

It is strange not going in to work.  It still seems like I am on vacation.  I know the need is still there.  

I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather!  Have a great weekend! 


    Cat Lady

crystal M.
on 9/26/15 1:31 pm - Joliet, IL
Topic: RE: Saturday Roll Call

Hello everyone

I have had a good day so far.  I laid around in bed for a long time.  It was so nice and relaxing.

I came down and started putting up my Halloween decorations.  I am going to make a cake and practice decorating.  Basically that's my day in a nutshell.

I don't have enough to keep me busy at work.  So to keep me from being so bored I started reading books on my phone.  I go through about 2 books a week now.  And Kindle had this unlimited books for $9 a month.  So it's perfect for me. 

I still haven't called for an appointment for ENT I will have to.  I am losing my sense of smell.  On more than few occasions I couldn't smell things I should have.  Like when we were driving and there was a dead skunk...I couldn't smell it.  Or a waste treatment center we were driving by...I couldn't smell that.  I know that those are things that stink and why would I want to smell those things.  But I can't help but think if I can't smell these horrible strong smells I won't be able to smell good things either.  I don't know...a person should be able to smell.

My sinuses and ears are getting worse and worse. 

Well time to get back to my enjoyable Saturday


on 9/26/15 11:22 am
VSG on 06/08/10 with
Topic: RE: Saturday Roll Call

Hi & top of the day everyone,

Sounds like a nice and great bathroom stuff that you got Lisa.

Sounds like you had a busy day yesterday. I bet your veggie & flower garden looks great!

Same here with me this morning.

Today I went to Walgreen's to pick-up a few items, also I went to Village Discount to get a few used books. Yesterday morniing I went to the D.M.V. to take my driving test for the very first time and...I passed on my very first try!!! I'm so very happy! All this feels like a vivid dream since I passed the D.M.V. Driving Test, also I feel like I'm still on Cloud 9 since yesterday. Some of this feels like it sank in at times since yesterday, but at the same time it doesn't feel it sank in. So, I'm very happy that I got my very first Driver's License!

Have a great day & weekend everyone.

Highest Weight: 565 pounds (around 1999), Highest BMI: 94

Pre-op Weight: 476.40 pounds (2 weeks before {05/25/2010} VSG surgery), Pre-op BMI: 79.3

Lowest Weight: 153.5 pounds (as of 07/10/2013), Lowest BMI: 25.5

Current Weight: 350.75546 pounds (351 lb 0 oz./159.1 kilograms (as of 04/22/2019), Current BMI: 58.3

on 9/26/15 5:27 am - IL
Topic: Saturday Roll Call

I went yesterday and bought a new shower curtin, hooks and liner. It has a large graphic of a brown tree on a white background. I have brown towels and washcloths, seat cover and tank cover, so this will finish the look.

I also want to get the veggie garden cleared out. The tomatoes aren't producing much, so why wait until it really gets cold to do it. I might tackle the annul flowers to.

I feel entergetic this morning.

What are you up to?





on 9/25/15 8:58 am - Rock City, IL
Topic: Happy Friday Roll Call!

Hello, Illinois!

I am working, as usual.  Enjoying a day with the boss out of the office.  She is a very nice lady, but very high strung.  I am more laid back so This is a treat.

Olivia was diagnosed with Epstein-Barr Virus, or commonly known as, Mono.  She has an itchy rash all over, cold sweats, nausea and the well known fatigue.  The other day, she missed 3 of her 4 classes.  That is NOT how she does things.  I hear that is is very common in college students.

I am trying to get a card shower together for her and many people said they would participate.  I think it will help both of us.  It is really hard me to know she is so sick and I can't do anything for her and it is hard for her to be so far away.  A card shower will let her know that she is not alone.  She got her first surprise card yesterday and she was happy.

Riley is coming over tomorrow and I'm not sure what we will do.  I think there are a lot of Fall activities happening so I just have to pick one or two.

What's happening in your corners?


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